Guardian Telecom’s Enhanced Interface Module (EIM) is a small multi-function Interface module that is the ideal endpoint for interaction with 3rd party devices. The EIM provides the means to monitor and control such devices including adjusting paging speaker volume levels remotely on central paging systems.
The stations feature continual real time self diagnostics and offer the flexibility of monitoring external devices via 4 opto isolated inputs when used with Guardian Telecom’s System Control Frame (SCF).
All stations have been designed for use in harsh environments and offer an IECex Zone 2 Hazardous certification rating.
Standards Compliance
IECEx: Zone 2
Product Features
- Real time continual self-monitoring of internal systems and external transducer devices
- Speaker volume management (remote controlled tapping)
- 4 Optically isolated inputs for monitor of external devices (ie: panic switch)
- 4 Dry contact outputs rated for 5A (ideal for control of beacons, sounders, etc)
- Wide range power input: 90VAC – 250VAC – from system distribution cable
- Offered for normal locations, Hazloc & IECEX hazardous locations
* Contact Guardian engineers for details in connecting to external device inputs for monitoring
- Configuration via Guardian’s Operator Access Panel for :
- Defining inputs and activation actions
- Manual or automatic control of dry contact ouputs (based on system activity)
- Switched tapped audio transformer for 70V/100V paging line