Non-incendive technology relies on design and construction to produce a piece of equipment that performs safely and effectively without arcing or sparking. A non-incendive telephone’s components [...]
Various standards and regulatory bodies establish classifications in North America, Europe and other jurisdictions around the world. They reflect environmental conditions and elements within that [...]
Hazardous locations are defined as places where concentrations of flammable gases, vapors, or dusts occur. Electrical equipment that is installed in hazardous locations are designed and tested to [...]
Intrinsically safe equipment is designed so that under normal operating conditions, or in the event of a fault, a spark or arc is incapable of causing an ignition of gases, vapors, or dust due to [...]
Explosion proof is essentially low tech. A great deal of the safety of explosion proof technology rests in the brute strength designed into the enclosure. Guardian’s EXT-401 Explosion Proof [...]
Weather Resistant is an enclosure method that provides a high degree of protection from rain, snow, windblown dust, splashing and hose-directed water and is undamaged by external formation of [...]
Guardian Weather Resistant telephones meet or exceed the requirements of the classifications for which the telephones are registered. These standards are set by various independent agencies such [...]
It happens. Even when the enclosure is built of rugged engineered polymer and industrial strength components, a door can inadvertently come off, be left open or damaged. While Guardian’s weather [...]
Watertight is an enclosure method that provides a high degree of protection against the entry of water during temporary submersion. Enclosures with a Type 4X & IP66 rating are constructed for [...]